vector Services we offer for our clients

Our Services

personal loan image

Personal Loan

Digitfin Business Offers Personal Loan on Easy EMI basis

Property loan image

Property Loan

Digitfin Business Offers Property Loan on Easy EMI basis

Business loan image

Business Loan

Digitfin Business Offers Business Loan on Easy EMI basis

Education loan image

Education Loan

Digitfin Business Offers Education Loan on Easy EMI basis

ITR loan image

ITR Loan

Digitfin Business Offers ITR Loan on Easy EMI basis

Payslip loan image

Pay Slip Loan

Digitfin Business Offers Payslip Loan on Easy EMI basis

Note: PF will apply from 1% to 5% for every type of loan

vectorFrequently Asked Questions

Find Answers to Common Questions

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with quick and helpful answers. If you have a question that is not addressed below

एक लाख से 5 करोड़ तक (From 1 lac to 5 crore)

एजुकेशन लोन 40 लाख तक, सालाना आईटीआर का 5 गुणा अगर आपकी आईटीआर एक साल का 2 लाख है तो 10 लाख तक लोन, सैलरी स्लिप का 50 गुणा, प्रॉपर्टी का 80% प्रॉजेक्ट रिर्पोट का 80%

Education loan up to 40 lakh, For ITR loan 5 times of the annual ITR, If your ITR is 2 lac for 1 year then loan up to 10 lac, 50 times of salary slip, 80% of property, 80% of project report.


20 साल तक (Upto 20 years)

नही, हमारी कम्पनी बिना गारंटर के लोन नही देती (No, our company does not give loan without guarantor.)

18 से 60 वर्ष (From 18 to 60 years.)

हाँ (Yes), IN CORPORATION NO: - U82990TS2024PTC182646 PAN NO: - AAKCD6707C TAN: - HYDD14699G

हाँ, कम्पनी की वेबसाइट पर जाकर ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं
(Yes, you can apply online by visiting the company's website.)

हाँ (Yes)

Yes, आप कम्पनी में एजेंट, फील्ड ऑफिसर, डीलरशिप लेकर काम कर सकते हैं (Yes, you can work in the company by taking Dealership or you can work as a agent, field officer.)

आठवीं (8th)